Independent Living

Supportive Living Services

Supportive Living Services empowers individuals to make their own decisions and improve their well-being while living in their own home.

Person in denim caring for potted flowers.

Services aimed to enhance well-being & independence

Establish a home

Explore different living options that meet the individual’s needs in conveniently located neighborhoods. A home that offers the opportunity for community participation.

Make future-proof decisions

Experience dignity and self-respect, with control over the type of supports received. Encourage and support the individual in making everyday life decisions.

Increase social connections

Become part of a community, participate in activities, and pursue hobbies. Grow relationships with friends and their circle of support.

Man with pizza smiles in kitchen.

Everyday Life Skills

Becoming skilled at basic and life-sustaining tasks with less help increases a person’s sense of satisfaction.

SLS support services includes assistance with, and training in, everyday skills like household maintenance, financial management, health and wellness, medical care, employment, and transportation.

The individual’s goals, aspirations, and unique needs are always at the center of the support system.


Reach Out

For a referral to Free Air Life Inc.’s Supported Living Services, please contact the Central Valley Regional Center.

If you have specific questions about our program, please feel free to contact us.

Contact the Regional Center
  • Fresno County
  • Kings County
  • Madera County
  • Tulare County
Person painting colorful canvas on a messy table.


The care-giving team is a thoughtfully assembled group, with each member contributing to the individual’s overall well-being. This might include family members, care workers, and other professionals. Shared knowledge and regular coordination ensure seamless support.

Two hikers with backpacks trekking through a lush forest.


This collaborative approach involves creating a person-centered plan for achieving an individual’s goals, maintaining regular communication and meetings, addressing challenges, celebrating successes, and advocating for the individual’s rights and needs.